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Spring 2023


Hooray! Hooray! The first of May. Outdoor gardening starts today. 


Look at that sky, life's begun. Nights are warm and the days are young… However, hopefully, there will be no more nights that drop below freezing. Even during this cold early spring, many Lansing Grown (LG) Farmers began planting their seeds weeks ago. They have taken advantage of space in the INGHAM COUNTY COMMUNITY GREENHOUSE provided through the Greater Lansing Food Bank (GLFB). The Greenhouse is a 2,500-square-foot facility located on Wise Road, behind the Hill Center in south Lansing. The property is owned by the Lansing School District, was funded by the Ingham County commissioners, is operated by the Greater Lansing Food Bank, and is guided by community participants. The greenhouse operates as a food production space for farmers and market gardeners. Staff members at GLFB provide assistance working alongside community growers to maintain the greenhouse. LUFP financially supported the project to defer some of the operating costs.


Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes…..LUFP is in search of someone to take over care and ownership of the farm property, formerly known as URBANDALE FARM. The farm sits on a quarter of an acre lot located in the heart of Lansing’s East Side. Urbandale Farm was established in 2009 as an urban farm, a place to get fresh vegetables and the site of farmer training and apprentice programs. Since that time the land has been cultivated using natural growing practices and cared for with love through the collective labor of dozens of gardeners and farmers. Now, over a decade later, LUFP feels it is time for the land to be put into the hands of new leaders who can breathe new life into the farm and guide it into a new vision for the future. Do you (or someone you know) have a vision for a farm or agriculture-based project, but lack the land and support to make that vision a reality? If so, this is a great opportunity! Please contact LUFP for more details (


The planet Earth is blue and there's nothing left to do…Except to head to the new WESTSIDE LANSING FARMER’S MARKET. There is a new farmers market this season on Lansing’s westside. LUFP is collaborating with the Union Missionary Baptist Church to sponsor the market supporting farmers and food vendors. The market will be on Saturday from 9AM to 1PM. For more information, please contact or 517-231-2240.



Jeno Rivera (on behalf of LUFP)

LUFP Board President

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